There are hundreds of dating sites on the internet. How does one choose. If you are genuinely looking for a friendship or compatible partner we will give you some tips on sites to avoid. You decide.

I would avoid the following.

  1. Sites with lots of advertising
  2. Sites which promote other things as well
  3. Sites that are totally free
  4. Sites that do not ask for proof of identity
  5. Sites which use aliases or created mail boxes
  6. Sites that do not let you know who they are
  7. Sites that are not registered introduction agents
  8. Sites which do not have a safe server verification
  9. Sites which let you choose, everyone has chosen the good lookers
  10. Sites which do not do compatibility checks
  11. Sites where you have to do all the work
  12. Sites that ask irrelevant questions

Be prepared to pay if you expect the site to work for you

Why avoid these sites? Firstly many people create dating sites because they know it creates interest and their real motives may only be to get you on their site for some other reason, usually so they can get many visits to their site to make it easier to sell advertising on that site. The main reason some sites get you interested is to divert your attention to something else on their site. If the site is totally free you may be bombarded with email or advertising. Some people who have dating sites have had no experience in the introduction agency business and may not understand what they are doing. Most Internet introduction services do not verify the identity of their clients. Many sites are unsafe. Some sites publish you email address which is an open invitation for harrassment for you. Other sites cater for married people, also there are sites that try to cater for every possibility. Many sites do not verify the identity of their clients. Most sites are strictly internet based and many make you do all the work searching. While this may retain your interest, you are unlikely to make the right choice and many people may have withdrawn from these sites or be very old listings. Choose a site owned by a company which have offices. In most cases the people who join are interviewed and have their identity checked. Choose a site which has a computerised compatibility matching system. Pick a site which does not give you multiple contacts as they will give the person you are introduced to the same amount or even more. People get confused when they receive to many contacts and generally make the wrong choice or reject the introduction altogether.