A SELECT CHOICE comply to the laws which govern introduction agencies in the state of Victoria Australia. These laws are amongst the strictest in the world exempting countries where introduction services are banned. Some countries on the other hand like parts of China encourage introduction services because they know it benefits them economically. The western world is far behind in this respect. However their are strict laws in this state which our company make every effort to fully comply with. We are a registered company and are registered with the Business Licencing Authority of Victoria. We make every effort to comply with their rules which are set out in the Introduction Agents Act 1997; Act No 75/1997. We have reproduced the broacher printed by the office off Fair Trading and Business Affairs who administer the act for any interested parties. As we comply by these laws there are papers our clients need to sign or be given. See the area headed "Victorian Government Rules". During the past twenty years in this state many agencies used crude tactics with their members which led to the State Government taking action. Many newspapers including the Melbourne Age and the Melbourne Herald Sun reported on this. To see these reports you can go to their web sites and search their archives using search words Dating,Introduction agency, or Scams Etc. For anyone in this industry this is an eye opener. See articles Herald Sun February 22 1998, April 1,1998 also April 10 1998. As their may be fees to see these articles we cannot create a link. Use your search engines. WE make every effort not to employ any person who may have had an association with these people or their organisations or companies. Information about any introduction agency operating in Victoria Australia can be obtained from the Business Licencing Authority.

A copy of the Introduction Agents act may be purchased from

Information Victoria
356 Collins Street
Mellbourne 3000

Telephone 1300 366 356

Mail Order
Anstat Customer Services
P O Box 447
South Melbourne
Victoria Australia
Postal Code 3205

DX - 332 Melbourne

Telephone 03 9278 1144

Fax 03 9278 1145

Appropriate fees will have to be paid