It is not our policy to give out details of our members unless it is authorised and connected in finding them friends or a compatible partner. However many people do not mind us publishing their photograph with out disclosing many details. They allow us to do this so you can see we have real people enrolled with us. When arranging introductions we only ever give out your first name location and any required details authorised by the client. This includes the favored method of contact. Mail email or telephone.

We do have authorization to show photographs in some membership levels and to prove to you we have real people. You may view a sample of our most recent members at our members area. Follow this link if you wish to view them now or see them when you visit this area.

All of our members join with us because they are looking to enhance their lifestyle and make new friends. You could meeting people. Many people visit sites like this one and dream about meeting someone nice others take action join and really meet someone.

There is another option, become involved with us. As a member or in a money making capacity. If you like meeting people you may wish to be involved directly or otherwise you may wish to just refer people to us. The following are ways you can be involved.

  • You can put a link on your internet site to us.
  • You can put a banner on your site and make commission on full paying members.
  • You may like to get a free website and link to us.
  • You may like to register to work for us or our franchisees.
  • You may like to be our agent.
  • You may like to be a Franchisee.
  • You may like to be a Major Franchisee.

If you wish to be involved visit all areas of our site and you will discover if this is for you and also how to go about it.